Cornerstone Philippines

Mission to the Philippines

    We are so excited, as we begin making  plans for our next mission outreach to the Philippines in 2021.
    God has opened wonderful doors for effectual ministry in the Philippines. Pastors Joe and Jacquie both have assignments there in multiple locations across the nation. From churches to Bible Schools to larger organizations of “fellowships of churches”, there is tremendous opportunity for effective ministry.
       Aditionally, the Lord has opened the door for Jacquie to work with the worldwide “Jesus Reigns” movement, helping to bring this powerful vision to the United States of America.  “Jesus Reigns Celebrations” ocurred in the U.S. for the first time in September 2020. They were wonderfully received and observed in 14 locations in 9 states! Plans are already underway to work with the Jesus Reigns Vision Keeper in the Philippines and the grace of God to expand further across America in 2021.
      Jacquie will also continue her work in the Phlippines traveling into smaller villages to do worship seminars for worship ministers and their congregations, to proclaim the revelations of the end-time “Believers Revival” and the “Glorious Church”, to equip God’s people for the Great Awakening currently underway across the globe!  You can find more details about the various outreaches here. We often take teams on these mission trips and encourage you to seek the Lord about joining us. You can truly be used of God to touch lives and make a difference.
    Our focus and opportunities in the Philippines will continue to expand in outreach to this nation, as the Lord leads.  It will continue to add to work done with and for our brethren in previous years.Thank you to all of you who support these endeavors.
         Perhaps you have come to the website today to support this effort. We thank you in advance for making it possible to touch so many lives. Perhaps you are here to support a particular team member in an upcoming missions trip. On behalf of them, we express to you our heartfelt thanks for making it possible for them to participate in this mission.  You may make your contributions below. And, God bless you as you give.

Missions Giving